and, that was where some really great lawyering from david kendall occurred. can you describe what happened there? and how david kendall's presence on the scene made such an important difference. >> first of all, the whole grand jury event was set up in a way that greatly favored president clinton with him just filling the camera and the -- ken starr's prosecutors being muted voices in the background. but also they had president clinton read a little statement where he admitted generally to some wrongdoing and then, didn't get into any details and so, in fact, in many ways, the grand jury testimony cleaned up many of the problems that had been created in the paula jones case, that having been said, there are still, i have read that whole thing, i have watched it many times and there are some things that are false in there and you can debate about whether it was intentionally false or whether it was shading, and, monica herself, as you know, from some of these stories, concluded there was no way around, you know, some of these things, being false, but for the m