if congress were to go there, we would call for a model based on the david kessler's model. he said after fighting to gain control of tobacco and loosing it he said my understanding of the administration powers rest with the bottom line, prohibiting the tobacco companies to sell a deadly drug. he was trying to bring the industry to the end. if we apply the model to marijuana, we could prevent another from starting. it would make public health the center piece of marijuana control. it would charter a non-profit corporation and public health becomes key with non-profit. in my state, i am sorry to tell you we just passed the most extreme gun law in the nation. it was lobbied by the national rifle association that by buys a lot of votes. use the money from sales to underwrite manufacture and distribution cost and all other revenues would fund enforcement, medical research, and programs to prevent youth use and evaluation to measure what is happening. marijuana would be tested for con c conta contaminants and would standardize thc levels. we will man all form of edibles and other