i have david koeh, i think. jackson winnington. caylee yoshi. dante popaliski and aaron marisa bullock. apologies. >> awesome, thank you very much. i have done this before. my name is david koeh and in may, i acknowledged and commemorated my seventh year teaching in the school district. i was 17 years old when i wage graded from sfusd public schools. in yet another parallel -- 7% is how much inflation we have seen in the three years since teachers saw an increase to mr. compensation in 2019, 2022 spans, they span 18 to 15% but within that wheelhouse. 17% is also according to sylvia on her august 16th economic policy institute analysis, 17.6% precisely is the, what they call the teacher paid penalty. in the state of california the average college graduate earns 17.6% more than the average classroom teacher. this 17% irony is not lost on me and i hope it's not lost on you. please pay us correctly. [applause] >> good evening. i'm also an sfusd graduate and current sfusd teacher at mlk middle school and my wife is an sfusd graduate and teacher at ap