>> all things. >> david koresh came here, or vernon howell, who changed his name to david koresh, came here , you , and he started know, basically saying that he had a message and that god showed him things and lois studied with him. -- to a ped into a oint where lois called saul in april of 1984 to come to mount caramel and to listen to what vernon at that time had to say. and to see if he was going to be the next spiritual leader. >> talks about a ravenous bird from the east. a person. his name is koresh according to scripture. some theology majors say angel koresh which is english cyrus was a persian king. but the mystery is that the ancient sire ress -- in isaiah 45, that surname is sigh ress, hich is a last name. revelations says he has a new name. you have to look at a lot of things to catch the full picture. >> he believed he came to bring judgment on the church. and that he did. because we have to judge between truth and error and whether we should follow him or we should follow the holy spirit. nfortunately, it was prophesied that he would lead the leaders or church into aposi