." >> david labahn is a former gang prosecutor.say, you can't have it both ways. you cannot say that, "i'm rapping about stuff because this is what i live in, and this is what i see every day," and then come into court and say, "everything that i said in that rap is completely untrue." >> d.l.: yeah, you can have it both ways. it's called fiction. [laughs] [applause] they have a whole section in barnes & noble. read a book, bitch! i don't even think the prosecutors think the lyrics are confessions, they just do it because it works. and it works because juries are made of people, and people are kind of racist. as a matter of fact, in a recent study, people were given identical lyrics and told they were from either country, heavy metal, or rap. and surprise, surprise, people were more likely to think the rap lyrics were written by a criminal. clearly, "rap" is just code is for black person, "country" is code for white person, and "heavy metal" is code for, who the [bleep] knows. i don't know what that is. but there is violence in alm