i want to thank david lampo for his help on the volume. linda and the conference team, none of this would be possible without them. the entrance and associates, you will see them and john blanks. i hope you're listening outside. i certainly could not do half of my work without him being able to keep the trains running on time. i reiterate our hope that this collection of essays will advance the macedonian first birch's of our constitution giving renewed voice to the framers fervent wish that we have a government of law and not of men. that also applies to the chief justice's. in so doing, we hope also to do justice to a rich legal tradition in which judges, politicians, and ordinary citizens understand that the constitution reflects and protect the natural rights of life, liberty, and property and serves as a bulwark against the abuse of government power. in these uncertain times when the legal and political processes seem unable to rein in the largely unconstitutional growth of government, it is more important than ever to remember our pr