david lampton, welcome back to the newshour. gso we-- od to be with you. >> woodruff: we hear these comments from the president. we read there's this tension, and yet, they're still meeting. upw do you siz right now the state of u.s.-china disadcussios on t >> well, i think for-- unless you're involved diectly in the talks, there are a lot of moving parts. we have to admit there's a lot we don't know. but i think the two sides ae very far apart. and the aims that the united states has as a mtter of broad policy are really rather diametrically opsed to china's desires. and they may end up compromising and just agree to buy more in the short ru. but i thk we're very far apart on the fundamental issues. >> woodruff: so we start out very far apart, and you're questioninwhere we go. you were telling us before, we were talking about this, that you think president trump has identified correctly some problems with the chinese and their approach. but you were saying you think he's used some of the wrong tools. what did you mean? >> well,