i am david lazar, a deputy chief in the san francisco police department. i oversee the investigations bureau. so essentially i'm responsible for investigators that work throughout the department that investigate crime, which also includes our crime scene investigators and our crime laboratory. and today i'm just grateful to be on with the district attorney's office. i know commissioner laguana that we've worked very closely together over the years and you mention about size. it's very important that the police department and district attorney's office work closely together. and we skill actually do work very closely together. i work the closest with the d.a.'s office just because investigators bring cases forward to the d.a.'s office for presentation for decisions about prosecution and that sort of thing. but we're both in it together in terms of public safety. coming up with creative ways to figure out how to prevent crime and how to address crime. i know that during the pandemic, things have changed a little bit for us in san francisco. we were up on hom