and joining me david limbaugh, strategist penny lee. me to come clean, stop hiding it, you want to rip food out of the mouths of babies, you want hold people to be thrown over the cliff and kids with autism and downs syndrome to defend for themselves. you hate people, hate children, old people, everybody. just come clean. >> and that goes without saying of course, but, you know, liberals are especially puffed up after this election, they're arrogant. they're power mad and this, this is, look at what they're doing in the various states. they're propping required liability insurance for gun owners just to harass people who believe in the second amendment and won't come to heel. they say we want to bring you to heal. this congresswoman is engaging in hysterical hyperbole and propaganda. 47 trillion in next years that's not enough spending? what's killing for the infants and babies, he's smothering producers and the wealthy he's taxing them more and about to go nets because the republicans finally have him over the barrel in the negotiations