the whole world was concerned about the disappearance of david livingston, the famous explorer of africaan stanley went in search of him and also disappeared. true, as it turned out for a while, stanley managed to find livingstone. their meeting at the tanganika has become one of the most memorable events in the history of travel. our correspondent kirill zvyagin decided to become the third in their company and follow in the footsteps of two legendary zombie pioneers. the plywood figure of journalist henry morton stanley, who found the missing traveler, adorns the main entrance to the livingston museum. the museum is located in the city of livingston, the former capital of zombie david livingston is the same national pride. what was and remains for the british themselves 30 years of his life he devoted to the study of black continent, 2.5 million m² of african territory was mapped by his efforts. these are 10 modern great britain or more than three zombies in the david livingston museum, a rather impressive collection of documentary materials about the life of this outstanding traveler h