crony during yesterday's foreclosure hearing so this was when david loman who's head of their lending division was speaking before the senate committee headed by chris dodd member friend of angelo what fellow my father is league gang my uncle is sam and i'm a friend of angelo mozilo yeah countrywide extortion is billions ripped off slap on the rest nothing penalty whatsoever financial cherish it being on time our government's asleep obama's asleep forget the hope we want the real dope so here you see david loman speaking before the senate committee and he is explaining that cheney's is trying as hard as they can to help all those being foreclosed upon in america and in the background is bruce marks who is the head of neighborhood assistance corporation of america which tries. for well over the past decade to try to help low income households foreclosures significant hardship. you. know they're hurting right. here. a lot. so this is one zero hedge called going postal bruce why go to a gun fight with a knife ok you never got to conquer j.p. morgan they're plugged into the government the