this was a watercolor done in 1945 by david mandel which -- by david mandelowiz. this building started gradually falling and sliding down. >> they had to replace the street right there. and in the process of jack hammering out the old st., they weakened the rocked. then the rockfall occurred. it undermined the building. once the building was undermined, it could no longer state occupied, and the decision was made to remove the building. as you recall, it made headlines. eventually, the building was removed and a new wall was built. the lot where 22 once sat is still there. there are big disputes over whether it can be developed safely predict -- developed safely. and the filbert street stairs, because of the rockfall that occurred, new stairs were built, and they were built in a manner that when rockfalls occur, that actually lift out the stairs and put them on the ground and allow the crane to get back there to access the rockfall. >> beyond that, the building that we see at the bottom of the rockfall was actually designed to allow barack to fall off and be compo