civil engineer david marr owns a company, that build the orinda, california if city hall.ou can see how the rocking frames are built into the are foundation. >> these cables are the spring and at the base are the steel angle is that shosh the energy. they work together creating the dynamic system of the building. >> how safe is this building? >> meant to be 25, this 30% stronger than an ordinary building. >> safer than your own house? >> yes, absolutely. >> so the future looks bright and safe in earthquake country. if they can build a safe bridge in the middle of two faults, the safe. >> do you see a day when all new buildings and structures would implement some of this new technology? >> we hope. you would think in cities when a big earthquake comes it would be an inconvenience, rather than a disaster and this rock frame is part of the technology. >> very interesting. what about a place like bolivia where you come from and there's a lot of earthquake risk? >> this is a technology that is costly, fundamentally costly so we can easily apply the to a country like the united