that is only possible with david kowt -- david mcallister as premier. >> the social democrat needs agood result to boost his campaign. his reason, that the chancellor's wages are too low has gone down well with the voters, but has told the state and he can do better. >> i'm going to do things a little differently than usual. sometimes i'm too long winded and boring. and sometimes my comments need explanation. >> and then there is the fdp and its leader. there's a lot riding on the selection for the coalition partner. they might not even make the 5% threshold to get into parliament. up to him. but it is if he is sex will -- he knows it is up to him. if he is successful, it bought in, but it is all up to him. >> the chancellor will take place in 2013. >> staying in germany, ireland has dismissed a report that it has ignored nuclear waste being stored abroad. environmental groups are up in arms about a new legislation currently under draft, which includes a clause that would allow the export of nuclear waste. the environmental minister says it is only been included to fall in with e.u.