of the international rescue committee, david miliband. do you think this sort of an agreement will hold. i think it will hold for three days. it's in everyone's interest that it does. people talk already about the propagand value, and it is a crumb of comfort for the poor 2.5,000 people trapped in the middle of homes. the rest in sirria, four million in aleppo are, asking what about us? when is the world going to show it cares about our situation. >> tiffany: how do they ensure that this many people can get out safely? the report i saw talked about two dozen. and they're coming out in buses. we have a long history of this. you remember the seens from srebrenica in the 90s, a trickle of people moving out while the war goes on. and one of the terrible things about the syria conflict is we're going back to the dark ages in the conduct of war-- barrel bombs being dropped in the suburbs of great cities. 60% of hospitals destroyed. it's the disillusion of a country before our very eyes. >> an agreement like this would be one of the only positiv