your phone calls, e-mails and tweets for david minnis on book tv. next, from book tv's recent visit to wichita, kansas, we hear from robert weems. his book, "business in black and white", takes a look at what initiatives were supported by u.s. presidents to promote african-american business development. >> i started working on the project, the popular wisdom was that presidents and u.s. government really didn't have an interest in black entrepreneurship until the 1960s. part of that was motivated by the war on poverty and business ownership as a means to alleviate african-american poverty. another one was the urban rebellion from the mid-to-late 1960s. there was believe it if you had more african-american owned enterprises and in black neighborhoods, that would decrease the likelihood of people destroying property in those neighborhoods. all that being said, and in then doing some preliminary reading, i came across a fleeting reference in the 1945 book in black business, to the division of negro affairs. the division, in fact, was in the coolidge ad