the other study that is kind of an interesting opposite to that was done by kiersten leigh and david newmark. they find that kids who end of being raised only by their mom, because they live in a state where conditional on their dad being convicted of a crime, he goes to prison, those kids end of not being worse off growing up with a single mom then if they had grown up with their dad in the picture too. and that makes sense too in some regard. a lot of the guys on average that were convicted of a crime and went to prison, might not have been the greatest dads as well. i think that goes a little beyond sort of your resource argument. >> well. i try to use the term resource very broadly in the sense that i don't mean just income. and i actually think the two studies are right on point for some of the stuff i talk about in the book. i talk about two different studies where parents are convicted of crimes to make the point what you said. if a second parent would be harmful, then that is a situation where, think about, what are the resources the parent would bring into the house? in my case, it