. >> the student's father, david patterson, had a police record for aggravated assault, but by the time the rumor circulated, patterson was dead. >> he, himself, was shot to death. we decided, of course, that we had to investigate that lead. >> they asked patterson's children to voluntarily submit dna samples for testing. >> testing on david patterson's dna, or that of his family, which produced a presumptive profile, showed no possibility of him being any of the male dna profiles that was present at the scene of her murder. >> investigators also contacted john taylor, who had been an earlier suspect in laura's murder. his dna also did not match. and dan goodwin himself provided a dna sample. he had gone out with laura just a few days before the murder. goodwin maintained it was a casual date and said the two weren't intimate. >> since i took her out to the movies just four days before and knew her, they decided it would be advisable to test my dna. and it was tested, and i was not present at the crime scene. >> but at least the investigators had the killer's dna, and were closer to fin