then in 2008, joe reported directly to david pluth. that was a huge shift, right? not only has digital been elevat elevated, but it's not subservient to communications. but it was called new media because it was new. now it's not new anymore so we call it digital. what's the difference between digital and communications? i don't know anymore. and so at some point we're going to stop -- like having a digital director and having a communications director becomes redundant and strange and uncomfortable depending on their skill sets. this is just campaigning, right? that includes online and offline actions and we blend it in a seamless way. if you're here in d.c., find ways to get engaged in campaigns that aren't -- if you want to do campaigns, get off the hill and go work on a campaign. and hill experience is great. that's where i started in senator durbin's candidate office in office. that was my first job in politics was opening the mail for senator durbin. and it taught me a lot, actually. it was a very important experience. i didn't learn about campaigns until i s