dispenser of electronic gift ideas who some people think bears a faint resemblance of our friend david poguelike fun, ho, ho, ho, 10,000 feet up, 20 below. never mind that, it is i, techno-claus, to get the tech gifts if my mouth ever that yous. we all know i'm magical, true. but this trick lies on a little home networking brick. whatever is plugged in you control with your phone. even put things on a schedule as shown. to scare off the burglars when you are away and track how much energy gobbled each day. so, how do you trigger your camera, like that? by pushing a button, that's boring and flat. the trigger trap cable connects to an app. let's you take shots with a shout or a clap. or set for vibration, take stock if you can. or let it count faces for group shots, like that. in time lapse, it beats the button. suppose there's a song that you love in your -- you wish you could share it you better not pout they turn in to speakers when they're inside out. ♪ sound either way not top of the line, but for children and teenagers, probably fine. speaking of music, if all this, is portable, great f