nbc news health and diet editor madelyn fernstrom and to back her up in all of these things is david pryorught in the big guns today. >> yes, indeed. >> when you feel terrible, often you don't feel like eating. that's how i get sometimes. >> that's hard. you have to listen to your body. the most important thing is fluid, especially when you have a fever. water is go-to but a lot of people don't like that. dunk fruit in it, have some juices, go for a sports drink, it has salt, because of the salt and water balance. fever, your body is fighting this off. hot or cold is your own preference. might go with a popsicle, be cooled off. maybe go with hot soups. have some tea, chicken soup. chicken soup does have some immune fighting properties. but it is really important. >> they say feed a cold, starve a fever. >> i always get confused. >> we don't go with that anymore. the key is staying hydrated this time of year. the fever is a natural response of the body to infection. we try to stay hydrated, it makes a difference. >> can you have too much of the gate ride type drinks. one time i didn't feel