david remnick pulls dream of my father a mixture of fact, recollection, ininventory -- invention and it's like james frey who was torn to pieces on the oprah winfrey. there's not a villain in barack obama find him an entertaining guy. it's the media the villain and i've studied this history as well of a collapse like this of a mainly establishment like our fourth estate. thanks a lot. we'll take questions. [applause] >> we got microphones to ask questions. it's questions and not political statements. >> questions, comments? walk up to the microphone. what i did not mention, of course, and i don't mean to say this vainly but the question -- the audience might be asking what are my credentials for doing this i just want to tell you that and that is and, of course, i'm like 25-year career in publishing and advertising. i looked at the portfolios of at least 1,000 professional writers and that's when i first read dreams. i didn't say two or three that could write that well. i've taught at every level as i mentioned high school to graduate school. i have a ph.d. in american studies with a