but just so we're clear, if this plan fails, david rosen decides he's not gonna drop it, then i reserve the right to be a little more... how should i put it? thorough. agreed? agreement's just for show, y'all. you can go. class dismissed. abby. the guy you met with at the griddle cafe yesterday-- he was a plant. he just was. trust me. so i did a little digging, and it turns out that cytron-- they weren't just an internet security company. they also developed software, some of which had various applications, like this one program that quinn's boyfriend was working on... officially it was used as slot machines. and unofficially? voting machines. i know you just got your job back, david, and i wasn't gonna say anything, i swear. no, you did the right thing. come here. (abby) i know you just got your job back, david, and i wasn't gonna say anything, i swear. (david) no, you did the right thing. come here. and so on and so forth. you want me to notify the others? no. this one i handle alone.