david rosenthal is the one you want editing this book. >> what makes them so special? >> he has worked with everybody. he worked with some of my idols. he worked with hunter s. thompson. at the most, his fingerprints are on a lot of the best books. >> what in your opinion in this book is the farthest you went about anybody or anything that makes people nervous? >> my guess would be the most uncomfortable aspect of the book will be my depiction of general david petraeus has been widely regarded as the hero of the iraq war and afghanistan. i offer a very different picture from what one is accustomed to when you read about general petraeus. >> like what? >> i quote some of his colleagues talking about him. the knock on him from his colleagues, there's a lot in the involvement in this, too. there's also truth. when he comes up he makes everyone before him look like a total idiot. i used from your language in the book. there's a great quote from another in general. petraeus leads the dead dog on the doorstep every time. this is a very popular indictment of the record from i