david rothkopf, are the saudi denials and the saudi promise to investigate credible? >> well, of course not.th the saudis areones who have been accused of perpetrating this crime. and it seems likely that a crime of this nature would be approved the highest level. so essentially what pompeo is doing is poviding cover fr the saudis to say, yes, we will have a credible investigation of ourselves. it reminds me a bit of vladimirf putiering to do an investigation of the russian hack of the2016 election. petratorhe per investigate himself is not a technique law enforcement agencies use very much, bcause it's not likely to produce good outcome. but the problem is that the secretary of state of the united states and the president of the united states have bent over backward in the media for the st 48 hours to provide the cover that theo saudis need go forward with this. in effect, the united states, the president and secretary of state are playing press officer for the kig and the crown prince of saudi arabia. s> schifrin: ambassador fierstein, is it psible that mohammad bin