. >> gregg: here now david schwartz, and keesha, defense attorneys and former prosecutors.these matters. you are allowed to use that level of force if it meets the danger that you face. you cannot exceed that level of force. now here, we have a bunch of protesters sitting on the ground. there is no danger, is there? >> no, there was no need to use the force used in this instance. the protesters were peaceful, they weren't violent. the only thing necessary is to authorize them to have them leave the property is say you need to leave. if they don't leave, the next level should have been arrest, not to pepper spray them. >> gregg: that is what they do in new york and elsewhere. they literally pick up the protesters, and they cuff them with a plastic cuffs. and they toss them in the patty wagon and haul them off to jail. isn't that what should have happened? >> i agree, that's what should have happened. if it's a peaceful protest, they want to remove protesters, the step would be an arrest. we have to hear -- i would like to hear from the police this matter. there is due proces