traders, tim seymour, david seaburg, steve grasso, guy adami. the destruction of hurricane harvey continues to unravel. texas deals with massive flooding and more rainfall expected in the next couple days we just heard the president addressing the nationwide effort of are rescue and relief in the state of texas brian sullivan on the ground in galveston, texas, monitoring the impact of the emergency ecosystem. let's go to him. brian? >> reporter: hey, melissa, thank you very much. the winds are picking up in galveston. largely spared, although we've been driving as far north as we can. tomorrow galveston is supposed to get whacked inforecasts are wong that could impact the refining industry, which is already hurt. most of the refineries are about three, four miles that way a bunch of them are shut down. an estimated, let's call it 15% of refining capacity offline we don't know exactly for sure, marathon petroleum, for example, was cagy, said we don't give updates. we drove by the refinery today there wasn't many cars around. that's why we're seei