so let's recap check david sobel bought out the winner of the first ever crown and cup rushes alexander listen in second with third in fourth place is going the way of the hungarian athletes the london olympics are just a year away and that means nations wanting to qualify will have to work hard right now some will be able to get the coveted licenses for that's what it's all games at the upcoming european championship run koester of r.c. moscow and finally there are just under a thousand days to go before the twenty fourteen winter paralympics in sochi summer and i said that he cannot is an ambassador for the games and has used the cat that inspire others with their own incredible life story reports. beginning to thousand and eight the paralympic games will russia's elicit will begin a straw gold and silver new world record in the women's one hundred meter breaststroke what was even more marketable is that the twenty three year old just five months after she'd lost her left arm in a car accident when she was in holding in thailand and prior to that contemplated courting the sport of vic