my name is david springer, homeowner at the shipyard. to echo eric's comments, there is a troubled history here. where these buildings are going up. i do want to congratulate you guys on being selected. this is an opportunity for the ocii to rebuild trust with us. when you guys came out and were complicit in lennar's misrepresentations of the parks to us, that put you guys in a really, really bad light with us. we want to work with you to make sure that these buildings which are going up on what we were sold as parks really fit within our community and, you know, let's work together to rebuild trust. with the two of us. i do have some concerns that i wanted to bring to your attention, the original charter from 1997 revised in 2010. section d1c1 talks about density and the plans that i have seen so far have the density of these buildings of being about four times the density of the surrounding area. and also in section d1c11, it talks about doing any kind of action that would lower land values, which these clearly do. because lennar has a