nick atkins is chairman president and ceo of american electric power and our guest host today is david steinernt. gentlemen, thank you. the reason we have you all here is you are both customers of david's. why don't we explain that relationship first? >> well one thing about the electric utility industry is they have been doing recycling for years and years and years. no one recycles more material than the electric utility industry. they're using leftover coal ash to do road beds and all sorts of different beneficial uses. and then what we do is we work with the plants to also get the inside of the plants more green. and, so the commitment these guys have to making their businesses more green, making them more asustainable is demonstrated every day when they work with us. >> let's talk about how energy prices are affecting all of you at this point. nick, why don't we start off with you. talk a little bit about what it means for the low natural gas prices. >> natural gas has a big impact on our customers from a fuel cost perspective. our fuel cost pass through to customers. it's a direct benefi