david sternberg are or who was a republican senator from minnesota. when i was working in that case, i got arrested or prosecuted for a crime i didn't commit. people say it shouldn't have taken that to get you to see the inequities in the system and it probably shouldn't. but boy, did it. a lot of the things the defendants had that in many cases they happened to me. the police lie. now, my criminal defense attorney friend so francese villagers so surprised. the police lie all the time. we tell you that when you're prosecutor. that's true. the fact this cop would come into court, raised his hand commiserated tell the truth and then just tell a bald-faced lie, it amazed me. defendants have it bear witness says that there who know what really happened, but they walk on the court. same thing in my case. the criminal prosecution was based little fred and barney dispute over a parking space and the judge in the child choked with the jury. this is a dispute about a parking space between two people and neither one of them have the car, which was true. i moved