david martin. he was on that flight, by the way. virgin america's ceo has apologized. besides a refund, those passengers will get a flight credit. the airline says that the plane was held at stewartrt for four and a half hours. the bathrooms were operable, that person says, and five additional cases of water were delivered. it says that food was limited and it did run out at about the two-hour mark. the guests did have the option to leave the plane and enter the airport. the nightmare flight comes only weeks before a passenger bill of rights takes effect. remember all the talk about that? our money expert, jennifer westhoven, is checking out what that's going to mean for you, if anything. >> we don't know how much it would have affected this flight per se. that's one of the things that we are looking at. but the rules go into effect at the end of april. but it could mean that basically for you, once you're stuck for three hours, you would have to be given the opportunity for the plane to get off the tarmac, go back to the gate and let you back into the airport, if you so choose, because you're talking about people who have gone for hours and hours and hours without, you know, foo