first, david stockman. in the 1970s, he was a young republican congressman from michigan and an early proponent of supply-side economics -- some call it trickle down. you know the theory. if you cut taxes on the wealthy, while cutting government, the economy will take off, money trickling down and creating millions of jobs. it was the centerpiece of ronald reagan's 1980 campaign for president. >> there is enough fat in the government in washington that if it was rendered and made into soap, it would wash the world. >> once in the oval office, president reagan made david stockman his budget director. >> when president reagan gave me this job he pointed to that budget which is some thousands and thousands of pages long, and he said, "go through it from top to bottom with a fine-tooth comb and unless you can find a persuasive demonstration why funds must be spent, cut those budgets." >> stockman helped reagan usher in the largest tax cut in u.s. history, a cut that mainly favored the rich. but things didn't go