brian: on the back of the jacket, you have quotes from david stockman, jodie powell, lawrence meade, richard newstaff, father theodore hesberg, and cheryl russell. if any memory serves me properly, they're all over the lot politically. did you do that on purpose? william: we could have added other quotes saying essentially the same thing. al gore is sending this book to every member of congress, he believes in it so much. and we're finding that it doesn't matter whether you're democrat or republican, liberal or conservative, there's plnt any here that will please you and some things that will displease you. our purpose is not to advance any political agenda, but to get people to think more seriously about themselves and how they fit into the long story of america, past, present, and future. brian: one of the first effects tside me was, i noticed that the first page, you contempt mentioning homer, and i remember reading homer years and years ago, so i went out and got a copy. one of the most interesting things i found is that it says on the book the greatest tale of all time sells for