swanson. (applause) ronald sure. (applause) (applause) robert foley. (applause) thank you robert. (applause) fluorescent glow bergh (applause) >> david.se) i heard you might be running for office some day. boy, i'll tell you what he has my vote. a brave politician for a change. right? nice to see david. salvatore kim to. (applause) matt williams grew up in a small town of bernie texas a, very small town he met cape for the first time in elementary school and plan to pursue a career in law enforcement after 9/11 he decided his place was on the front lines of the war on terror and he wanted to be the best of the best and work so hard at it so after graduation he enlisted to become -- he finished his special forces training and deployed to obtain a stand on april 6th 2008 he joined dozens of americans with afghan commandoes with a terrorist leader up and a mountain village and then a cold spring morning he jumped ten feet from the shine accent to the rockies for the shock valley. the americans reached the end of the valley, there was a 100 foot mountain any special forces and the group was 60 feet up the slope or 200 savagely attacked at