okay, well, i was in the tank is speaking to me, be the early and we can speak with david swanson. he's a peace activist and the executive director of the group will be all morning. all right, you're very welcome. david. thanks for your time. what are your thoughts then on the summit g think kit will improve relations between russia and the us. so perhaps you could make it worse. i hate to predict. i like the advocate, but i see no reason to expect it to make things better. present. who is wrong, by the way on russia? never having been blamed for black lives matter. i us, you can find that very easily in us media, buying ads on facebook for black lives matter. exploiting black lives matter, perhaps not inspiring the beginning of it. but you know, i think what's, what's shocking about that interview is not anything that the president said, or that was said about him. but the hostility of the interviewer, the role of the nbc employee as something beyond state media attacking of foreign leader with accusation after accusation. not, not what do you want to do at the summit, but in the l