david tornheim, the requester. i am asking that you do this about the box that was installed without any notice to neighbors, and this is what it looks like. overhead, please. as a direct result of the lack of public notice, it appeared on the pole long after the appeal period had expired. shortly after i discovered it, i filed this jurisdiction request. they did not bother to respond to this request. i am not only concerned about this facility, but others like this happen put up without notice to the neighbors throughout the city. i believe the one coming right after this one. nestg network is aware that neighbors have concerns about these devices. the city has vigorously objected to them, and in response to the efforts, they have even included to try to prevent neighbors from getting notices, but despite some things, two decisions from the ninth circuit court of appeals have basically established that cities like san francisco have the right to regulate these boxes in the public right of way. shortly after that d