>> guest: no, david turnley. c-span: david turnley. those are twin brothers. >> guest: right. c-span: and the title of the book is called "get the picture." thank you very much for joining us. >> guest: thank you. >> we had a lot of discussions about the vetting and i wasn't happy with the product. in the movie obviously you have a process that is 10 weeks long bet is build down into 10 hours so out of necessity, some of the timelines are rearranged, but it's the true story of what happened. on the question of the vetting, we got to the end of the process and senator may cain had determined who he wanted to pick. we had the realization that we can't win with any of the candidates as was displayed in the movie, pawlenty and romney. we were going to be outspent by $200 million. president bush, his approval rating was in the 30s. barack obama was speaking to crowds of hundreds of thousands in europe. there was a fervor for his candidacy on the part of the press and trying to figure out how to win. i am the person is said we should take a look at sarah palin. you know, from alaska