thank you. >> chairman pryor, chairman rockefeller, members of the committee, i'm david vladek. i appreciate the opportunity to present the commission's testimony on consumer protection issues in the mobile marketplace. the views expressed in the written statement that we submitted represent the commission's views. my oral remarks and any response to questions represent my own views. today's hearings could not be more timely or more important. we are seeing explosive growth in the mobile marketplace. device technology is constantly improving. robust wireless internet connections are nearly ue big tuss. businesses are innovating and consumers are purchasing and using smart phones at extraordinary rates. and there's no wonder why. today's smart phones are incredibly powerful, multitasking devices that marriage the search capacity of a desk top computer with the personal, always on and always with you nature of mobile phones. there is no question that these devices benefit consumers. but there's also no question that these devices raise serious privacy concerns. these concerns stem