and david von drehle is a journalist for time magazine, he wrote "triangle, the fire that changed america," a book about this country's response to its own factory disaster. professor rivi as we saw there were mars thrghout south asia. is this work generally badly paid and dangerous? >> well, i don't think we can make a general conclusion about that. there are good factories, there are good conditions. there are safe factories, and we have experience though at the other end of spectrum as well. of course, what happened last week was an example of conditions at the very bottom. >> suarez: what has changed about the rules governing global trade? how did bangladesh end up the home of the garment industry's -- it's the secretary largest garment industry in the world? >> that's right. in 2005, we did away with a system of apparel trade regulation in the united states that very tightly managed apparel imports into the country. so we didn't have a free market at that time. instead different countries were allowed to sell different quantities of clothing to the united states. when those regulatio