memory, what the public thinks is the most important today about shiloh, would be a man named david w. reed who also fought in the 12th iowa. he becomes the park historian. he's the first park historian. he fought at shiloh. he writes books about shiloh. he interprets shiloh. these reed maps i talk about are named after him. he locates the troops position there. granted, you get this story of the hornet's nest and some of these other issues prior to this establishment of the park. for instance, professor marchs was talking about the infighting against the confederate generals and the union generals are fighting each other and you get the different theories and stories, among each other and we weren't surprised, yes, you were surprised, and i saved you when i came in says bulan and grant says i had it under control and johnson's son says beauregard threw away the victory and all of those major historic graphical concerns and those fights have been in place prior to the establishment of the park as has this idea of the hornet's nest, 1880s, this pan ram ain chicago where general priut himself