operation ranch hand was a failure according to david wheeler, because military planners were unable to distinguish conclusively between areas under civilian control and areas under guerrilla control. in essence, they were killing their own allies in order to hopefully undermine support for their enemy. the result of all of this and the use of such compounds and the increasing call for their eliminations from the american arsenal. the u.s. finally ratifies the geneva protocol with the provision that the united states could still use riot control agents in humanitarian situations and herbicides around basis for defensive purposes. in 1977, all of the remaining stock was destroyed on jonathan a toll. basically it was collected from centers around the world, u.s. military bases, taken out into the middle of the south pacific, where this is actually a picture used in another operation, which was intended to incinerate all of agent orange. these operations were all overseen by epa agents. it was not just the u.s. military in charge of this. to oversee this. and they had to do this out in