. >> david winslow, staff architect. the item before you is a public initiated request for a review of the application 2018.11 --.01112, to construct a two-story addition that extends to the rear of a three-story family dwelling and maintains the existing side and setbacks and roof form of the existing building. this building is a historic resource category c. and the d.r. request is julie kelnar of 142 peralta, is concerned with three issues. the first is that the scale of the mid-block open space is not compatible with the surrounding properties. and number two, that the building is not articulated to minimize the impacts to light and air to the adjacent properties. and, third, that the privacy to the proposed side windows of the addition. and the d.r. requester had proposed changes that includes providing a 12-foot upper floor setback and reducing the overall length of the addition by five feet. and public comment to date, the department has received a letter from the review board in support of the d.r. request. and t