david winslow, staff architect, the item is a public initiated request for discretionary review for permit building application 2017, 1013.1247 for a four-story vertical addition and three story horizonal to the front rear side to the adjacent neighboring building walls and a one-story pop out at the rear into the required rear yard as allowed by section 136 of our code for 5855 square feet. this single family residence is a resource and there are four dr requesters. it's an across-the-street neighbor concerned with three many issues, park on the uphillside eliminates one on-street parking space and one street tree. second, that the fourth story that extends to the side property line is wider and higher that the neighborhood pattern and the rear pop-out and decks compromises the open space. the proposed alternatives include retention of the existing location of the garage consistent with the topography and no wider than the front facade -- i'm sorry consistent with the building height of 25 feet and no wider than the existing building front facade and deleting the pop-out addition. and fou