. >> i am david wong, a 20-years the trend with the san francisco assurance department. i served eight years in the united states army reserves and national guard. i am actively involved with youth programs like community youth centers and others in san francisco. i live in sunset with my wife and two children. i'm running for the office of sheriff because i believe we must reduce the recidivism rate and in still crime preventive measures by investing in our youth. in the 20 years i served as a deputy sheriff for san francisco, i witnessed the department spent more money for fewer resources. as sheriff, i would implement job training for the incarcerated to enable them to transition into productive citizens and contribute toward our society. i would encourage youth programs where debt easing cage with the community, offering opportunity to our youth, enabling them to lead productive lives instead of turning to crime. i would implement a rehabilitation process for the incarcerated. i would implement a performance evaluation system to ensure every individual in a drug reha