prominently featured in "waiting for superman," there are two issues i raised in the studio with davis guggenheim when the documentary came out. i want to reprise with you to get your thoughts. your thoughts about race to the top, the obama program. we had a debate that night with jeffrey and davis. it was about whether or not education in this country ought to be a race or is a right. your thoughts about the obama answer to the problem. the president gave a big speech yesterday about education. what about the administration answer to the problem, race to the top? >> you are absolutely right that education is a right, a high- quality education. it has to be the right of every child in this country. it should not be a question as to whether some kids get it and some kids don't. i do think what the obama administration is trying to do was the right idea, meaning instead of continuing to funnel out federal dollars without a lot of accountability, which obviously has proven not to be particularly effective, to say we are going to use the carrot approach. we are going to put dollars up there to say if