>> supervisors davit choo, avalos, kim, mar, and mirkarimi. president olague: okay, thank you. commissioner sugaya? commissioner sugaya: cookies? >> the board of appeals did not meet last week, but it will be back in action next week. secretary avery: commissioners, the historic preservation committee met yesterday. the two items of the interest, one was the landmark designation program, and the program that was proposed by staff. the commission adopted it, but there were two editions. the number of people came out in support of adding a pub on third street. there was a lot of history given, the first african american who ran for mayor in san francisco in 1964, and there is a lot of support for having this building added to the designated works program. also, the bookstore building on fillmore street was added to the program. president olague: that is great. secretary avery: yes, there was a lot of support for both of those at the hearing. also, the showplace survey area, the commission took one property out of that, the cafe. they had the hearing basically on that item, and th