. >> you're watching dawa israel.ack advocate. >> what does white man have to do to show you that he want to kill your black ass? >> he once praised the boston bombing as white america getting what it deserves. he's called white people the devil. but guess who's coming on today's show? matt heinbach. >> whites haven't had our own country. it's been a multiracial society from the beginning. >> reporter: matt is here because he believes he's found an ally, someone who also believes that races must separate. >> i think it's important to speak out to white nationalists. >> reporter: they are in many ways two sides of the same coin. matt's race shaped in part by the reading of his history. dawa in his experience as a gulf war veteran. >> in iraq, they were saying hey, black soldier, sit in the corner, why are you here fighting a white man's war. >> reporter: i don't see the world as he sees it. you're angry and matt is angry. >> i see atrocities against people. why aren't you angry. aren't you black? >> yes, sir. >> really