it's like the s.a.t., but for fun, dawg![laughter] and you know they're not messing around with this survey, because it's hosted by, america's most trusted simian data-collection service. [laughter] now, this survey is precisely targeted at youths only, because it clearly states: "please do 'not' take this survey if you are 30 years of age or older." all right then. here i go. [laughter] and let me tell you: some of the questions on this bad boy are totes mad poppin' fresh. [laughter] such as numero thirty-sixo, which addresses young voters' love of diversity. asking, "do you think that the republican party discriminates against people? if so, which people?" [laughter] with options including african americans, white people, latinos, asians, gays and lesbians. or: the republican party does not discriminate against anyone" that's easy the answer is the g.o.p. does not discriminate against anyone. least of all white people, who are the only option the survey refers to as people. [laughter] [cheers and applause]