undertaxed look these nonprofit groups are allowed to keep their dawna's identities confidential as is the case with many kurds including green pace but this lake north sea ninety eight budget reveals just how much money citizens resend the cornea was saved from a wide variety of donors. more troubling was the fact that citizens for a sound economy took money through an asteroid to campaigns directly on behalf of a number of these hidden dharnas. then there was they work for the tobacco industry thanks to a major legal settlement in the light ninety ninety millions of internal tobacco industry documents have been made public the documents showing how citizens for a sound economy and other free market groups secretly paid millions of dollars to fight tobacco taxes and regulations using what they called a retail sales effort they pitched these to their own members as a tax on individual freedoms but the government the idea being that while people may not be moved to fight on behalf of the tobacco will do almost anything for take their own freedoms one campaign of particular relevance was